
James Towler

James has been working in the music industry for over twenty years and in that time has gathered a wealth of experience in many areas providing a good understanding of what is required sonically in both the recording studio and the live environment. Beginning his working career as a backline tech, he has slowly but surely progressed through every role and function when touring, providing him with the necessary skills and experience needed to facilitate the successful planning and execution of live production.

Currently working as Steve Winwood’s in house engineer, James is responsible for every aspect of Winwood’s sound from the studio through to the live event. In the studio, James’ primary area of expertise is with Pro Tools and recording, recently picking up an award for recording engineer of the year 2009 at the Music Producers Guild for his work on the Steve Winwood album entitled “Nine Lives”.James is currently working on putting the finishing touches to the Winwood / Clapton collaboration Live from Madison Square Garden which he recorded in February 2008 and is slated for DVD release during the Spring of 2009.

“It’s the first time in 27 years that he’s recorded without the usual loops and click-tracks, preferring instead to capture the energy of three musicians live in the studio, sparking off each other.”
The Independent Newspaper – About Time

“Winwood’s bluesy, soulful voice has lost none of its power, and the synths have given way to a much more organic sound dominated by Winwood’s Hammond B3 organ.”
Paste Magazine – Nine Lives
“Winwood hasn’t sounded this consistently inspired or focused in years.”
Music-Box – Nine Lives
“recorded mostly live in the studio, and evokes the spirit of Winwood’s work with Traffic”
WNEW – Nine Lives
“Nine Lives marks a more organic return to recording”
All – Nine Lives

James’ Credits